November 21, 2022
Be Thankful for Blessings that Unite Us
There are concerns that each and every one of us have to navigate daily. Such as, inflation, politics, hurricanes, tornadoes, health, strife. Strife haunts us in all segments of our lives. It digs into the fiber of our being and can prevent the peace necessary to be productive and healthy.
As we enter this week of Thanksgiving, it is important to dwell on the blessings that unite us rather than what divides us. As a nation we have been so fortunate, but we often miss those blessings due to greed, prejudice, and ignorance. Instead of focusing on the bad in our lives, we should concentrate on the good. Proverbs 19 tells us it is beneficial to overlook any offense.

Often most of the issues we face could be resolved through communication. With the ever-increasing social media, we have more communication than ever. The wider communication increases, the less we know truth. This comes from misinformation and agendas. We should always seek all truthful facts.
Fact is we are graced. When you look at the standard of living around the world, In the U.S. we have it better than most people. But we still have those around us who could use help. We can always share our blessings with those who are in need. Poet and Civil Rights Activist, Maya Angelou stated, “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” How true this is. We as union members more than most should know the importance of sharing. Our goal is not simply to improve our own lives, but the lives of all families. Therefore, we are activists. Our blessings multiply when we help others, for that in itself is a blessing.
This Thanksgiving I ask that we all take a moment to make an accounting of the blessings in our lives. Recognizing what we hold dear and asking ourselves are we making things better for others.
On behalf of the Region 8, Clerical, Staff, and the Smiths’, I would like to extend our prayers for your family this thanksgiving season, for health, happiness and peace.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mitchell Smith Tim Smith
Region 8 Director Region 8 Assistant Director |